Desiree Eden is 76 years old. The guy she’s sucking and fucking is only 24

“You are just adorable,” Desiree Eden says to her guy.

Hmmmm …”adorable” is the kind of word a woman uses to describe a much-younger person.

“I’ve never been with a woman your age,” Jimmy says.

“My age?” Desiree says. “Did you know I’m 76?”

We do now! And although Jimmy is 24, easily young enough to be her grandson (but isn’t her grandson, of course), Desiree is going to let him suck her tits, then she’s going to suck and fuck him. Desiree is our oldest GILF ever, and she’s almost like a cheerleader as she urges Jimmy to fuck her harder. We’ve never had an age difference like this in a XXX scene, and it’s a pretty exciting moment for us, for Jimmy and for Desiree.

Desiree is married and has children. She lives in Central Florida, although she’s originally from border country in Texas.

Her hobbies are reading, baking and cooking, which makes her like a lot of 70something grannies. It’s obvious how she’s not like a lot of 70something grannies.

“I dress like a classy slut,” she said. “No bra. Short dresses and skirts. Low-cut tops. Blouses with more than two buttons undone. Usually heels to match my outfits.”

In other words, she dresses to get attention.

“I have sex with younger men all the time,” she said. “Florida is full of young men who want to be with me.”

Young men like Jimmy.

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